Does Urbanization Cause Crime? Evidence from Rural-Urban Migration in South Africa
Authors : Nelly Exbrayat, Victor Stephane
Abstract : We study the impact of urbanization driven by internal migration on crime in South Africa. We create a new dataset that combines yearly data on crime...Evaluating the impact of public policies on large firms: a synthetic control approach to science-industry transfer policies
Authors : Corinne Autant-Bernard, Ruben Fotso, Nadine Massard
Abstract : Large firms receive the majority of public R&D funding in most countries. Due to methodological difficulties, however, evaluation...FOPPA: an open database of French public procurement award notices from 2010-2020
Authors : Lucas Potin, Vincent Labatut, Rosa Figueiredo, Christine Largeron and Pierre-Henri Morand
Abstract : Public Procurement refers to governments’ purchasing activities of goods, services, and construction...
23 nov. 2024
Salon de l'Etudiant 2024 - Saint-Etienne